Sholem Krishtalka

Was part of a continuing musing upon and celebration of the turn of the millennium, the Maison de la Culture Plateau Mont-Royal has mounted Agglomeration, a group show consisting of paintings, sculptures and installations. The show is largely interested in more conceptual rather than figurative works and in metaphysical themes: language, the sign, space and the landscape.

There are some excellent works here that are more than capable of fronting for the intellectually heavy themes, the best of which are in painting and installation categories. Luce Pelletier's "Queue leu leu murmures" belongs to the latter.

Consisting of about 100 handmade toy cars, the work combines playfulness, formal beauty and thought. In the painting category, Mark Mullins' monumentally huge abstract compositions, "Lost Horizons", are utterly absorbing visual experience: They are, despite their enormous size, delicate, sensual and entirely ethereal.

By: Sholem Krishtalka
2000 Mirror, August